Join us for a unique WwW weekend as we EXPLORE and CELEBRATE our next stage of life. It has been called the Third Act, the Last Stage, eldership, etc. and here we are vital, fully alive, wise women. As we continue to reinvent ourselves with a sense of ease, flow, curiosity and realizing this is truly the BEST time of our lives. We can lean into PLEASURE, JOY, Peace or NOT or whatever brings us fully alive.
Acceptance of who we ARE, who we have BEEN and allowing who we are BECOMING. What are the values, themes, desires, things I really want to do/be before I die?
Is there something alive in you NOW that you want to bring and explore at the retreat? Legacy, family, world, travel, writing a book, purpose/meaning, art expression, redefine success, other?
We will gather as Women with Wisdom for deep connection with our beloved sisters, exploration of our individual and collective needs, desires and Third Act life journey, dance, move, meditate, create, celebrate and rejoice!
Date: June 4-6, 2021 - Location: Linwood Spiritual Center, Rhinebeck, NY
Cost: $400 if paid by May 1st, $475 after May 1st, some scholarships available.
To register or for more information: call Nancy at 914-388-7155.