Photo Credit Judith Rae Weinberg
About Nancy
Nancy Plumer’s work as a spiritual energy healer and teacher are deeply rooted in her belief that healing is at the heart of transforming humanity. For the past 30+ years she has been empowering communities and helping clients address trauma, release stress, amplify their vitality and find joy and peace in their hearts and souls through multiple healing modalities including Energy Healing, Somatic Experiencing, spiritual counseling, mindfulness and yoga. Since 1997, she has led over 200 retreats and events in both the private and public sector as well as designed and facilitated sacred ceremonies to commemorate all of life’s transitions: birth, marriage, birthdays and memorials.
As early as 10-years old, Nancy began her career as an educator by gathering neighborhood children around a picnic table in the backyard to teach spelling and math. This early play transitioned into an avocation growing into a full-fledged career by her early twenties when she taught fourth grade in Americus, Kansas, her home state. Informed by her awareness of inequality in the world, Nancy joined VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) in 1979 and was placed in Newburgh, New York. As an advocate for education she worked with the Statewide Youth Advocates, Mid-Hudson Legal Services and Children’s Defense Fund to bring a class action lawsuit, charging the Newburgh City School District with racial discrimination in their suspension practices. She furthered her work at the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) as the Coordinator of Youth At Risk Community Partnership and as principal of the BOCES Alternative School.
After nearly seventeen years into her career, Nancy hit a wall; she was burnt out, working in a high-pressure environment and at the same time supporting her aging parents 1,200 miles away in Kansas. She took a 10-month sabbatical from her job to enroll in the Kripalu Spiritual Lifestyle Program which then led to completing the Yoga Teachers Training also at Kripalu in Stockbridge, MA in 1995. As a child, Nancy suffered with severe asthma leading to hospital stays. Her experiences struggling to breathe left her with some trauma and anxiety. Years later using her newly gained spiritual practices, including yogic pranayama, Nancy had many breakthroughs releasing years of blocked energy and fear. At the end of her sabbatical Nancy resigned from her job and began her now nearly three-decade strong work as a yoga teacher and healer by teaching yoga at Villa Veritas, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Kerhonkson, NY, designing and leading yoga, wellness and spiritual retreats and maintaining a private practice in energy healing and spiritual counseling.
Nancy’s introduction to energy healing came on the heels of a difficult break-up when it was suggested that she see an energy healer. She admittedly entered into the energy healing work wondering if it was a little “woo-woo”. She soon found that energy work did what 10+ years of talk therapy had failed to do--address the root of her trauma by clearing energetic blockages and programming she had been wrestling with for decades. In 1998 after immersing herself in energy healing work for a year she began experiencing tremendous freedom, growth and a deep sense of contentment. She then began studying One Light Healing Touch (OLHT) and after a seven-year deep dive she entered into the Teacher Training Program in 2005. Through One Light Healing Touch she was able to release the frozen energy surrounding the trauma from her early life. Nancy went on to teach the OLHT Energy Healing and Mystery School for 10 years.
Over the past 30 years Nancy has become a trusted healer, trainer, spiritual counselor, leader of retreats and director of sacred ceremonies for hundreds of clients. She has served on the Holistic Health Community Board, the KCC Vision Counsel and dedicated her life to supporting the healing of humanity. As a lifelong learner, Nancy continues her own healing and spiritual journey through mindfulness meditation, yoga, ongoing classes and webinars, a commitment to radical self-care and to 12 step recovery. She enjoys the ocean, camping, pickleball, spiritual rituals and retreats, hiking and traveling and deep connection with friends and family. She walked portions of the El Camino de Santiago solo in celebration of her 60th birthday. Today, Nancy is a celebrated healer and trainer working with individuals and organizations via private sessions, retreats and workshops to support the healing of humanity.